
This is a list of our publications

LARKIN, Stephen and INMAN, Roger (2022)  Excavations of the Medieval Chapel site in Kildale in Esk Valley News, April 2022, 19-22 

LARKIN, Stephen and ROWLANDS, John  (2022)  Discovery and Excavation of the site of the Medieval Chapel of St Hilda in Kildale Part 1: Discovering Kildale’s lost Chapel of St Hilda and its history.  in Teesside Archaeological Bulletin No. 26, 2022, 34-39.

INMAN, Roger (2022) Discovery and Excavation of the site of the Medieval Chapel of St Hilda in Kildale Part 2: Excavation of the site. Teesside Archaeological Bulletin No. 26, 2022, 40-44.

LARKIN, Stephen (2021)  Hunting for Kildale’s lost Chapel of St. Hilda, in Esk Valley News, June 2021, 29-32 

INMAN, Roger (2021) Jumbo Jar (or a large piece of pottery), Site 251, Ingleby Arncliffe, in Teesside Archaeological Bulletin No. 25, 2021, 22-25.

INMAN, Roger (2020) Orthostatic Walling in Westerdale, in Teesside Archaeological Bulletin No. 24, 2020, 44-45.INMAN,

INMAN, Roger (2019) Excavations at Easby Motte, in Teesside Archaeological Bulletin No. 23, 2019, 36-37.

INMAN, Roger (2018) and PHILO, Phil Microcosms of English History”:Kildale, Lonsdale, Westerdale, Baysdale and the Hidden Valleys Community Project, in Teesside Archaeological Bulletin No. 22, 2018, 52-56.